Truly unique to Mericle’s vertically-integrated structure is its in-house excavation team consisting of dozens of heavy equipment operators and hundreds of Mericle-owned pieces of modern equipment. Much of the equipment is equipped with the latest GPS software. The Mericle Construction excavation team includes operators, drivers, laborers, mechanics, foremen, superintendents, and project managers.

Excavation prepares sites for construction faster and more economically than all other commercial developers in the markets where Mericle conducts business. Excavation’s work allows Mericle’s leasing team to show clients ReadyToGo!™ Sites which have already been planned, permitted, subdivided, cleared, graded, and prepared for the immediate construction of building foundations.

From building pad projects with earthwork of more than 1,500,000 cubic yards, to aggregate production, to roadway and utility extension, Mericle Construction’s excavation division has the resources, knowledge, and experience to accomplish any type of infrastructure or land preparation project. Excavation prides itself on its ability to change priorities and realign resources and equipment to meet a client’s project schedule.

Watch our excavation video or visit our excavation gallery to learn more.